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Membership Benefits

Becoming a member will entitle you to:

The NACC website contains a great library of information and top tip's documents, including nutrition, hydration and recipes, that are relevant to you. Download, print and share with your colleagues.

The NACC Training & Development Forum is the UK's biggest care catering event. Designed for care catering professionals to develop professionalism and standards, the event includes accredited workshops, CPD seminars and keynote speakers. Taking part will fill you with inspiration. You can tailor the day to suit your specific needs and you'll also get to sample and test the latest innovations in care catering products and services. As an NACC member the discount you receive is more than the cost of the annual NACC membership.
Try to attend your NACC regional meeting at least twice a year. There's always something valuable to learn and someone new to meet. There's no better way of improving what you do than by exchanging experience and ideas with your peers on a face-to-face, informal basis.
Get in touch with other care homes. If you have a question, ask them and network. After all, you're all in the same boat and face the same daily challenges.
The NACC has a fantastic range of publications on feeding the elderly and young adults. They are all written by experts in their field and designed to help make your job easier. From weekly menu planning guides to government specifications on dietary needs, you͛ll find it all. And, as a member you receive big discounts when you place your order.
As a member you can enter the NACC Care Chef of the Year competition free of charge. This gets bigger every year and is recognised as the leading culinary competition in the care catering calendar. Win this and your profile, and that of your establishment, will grow immensely.
We may be small, but collectively our voice is growing. We lobby government and raise awareness of crucial issues affecting our sector. As a member you get to voice your opinion through us.
Use and display the 'member of the NACC' logo that you receive. Put it on your care home's prospectus and use the fact that your catering team are members as a beneficial selling point. It adds instant credibility and kudos and, given the choice, families will pick your home over another.
You can advertise any Care Catering Job Vacancies on our website. Members are eligible for our introductory offer of the first listing FREE for up to 6 weeks, thereafter the cost per listing is £75. If you would like to advertise a job please email
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