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Implementing Johns Campaign in Care Homes

Published: 24th February 2020

NACC North Deputy Chair Nick Dutton represented the association and spoke about the importance of social eating and how everyone can benefit, no matter what age, when eating with friends and family.

John’s Campaign began as an access campaign in the hospital sector. Novelist Nicci Gerrard’s father John had been living with dementia for 10 years at home with his wife and supported by his family until he was admitted to hospital for treatment of infected leg ulcers. Visiting hours restrictions and infection control effectively excluded his family; Dr Gerrard’s functioning declined, his stay was extended, his condition worsened. By the time he was discharged, five weeks later, he had lost all capacity and required 24-hour care for the rest of his life.

Introducing John’s Campaign in hospitals has been proved to reduce falls, delirium and incidents of aggression. Patients eat & drink better, they and their families are more content, even at the end of life. This is equally true in residential care.

Making a pledge to John’s Campaign is a way of focusing attention on maintaining residents’ relationships with their families and friends and exploring the positive contribution that informal carers can continue to make to an individual’s well-being.

Potentially this can improve the quality of life for all in the care home community, including the staff. Introducing John’s Campaign into residential settings demonstrates transparency and can bring care staff a valuable source of insight and support as they do their best for their residents.

The NACC fully endorses John’s Campaign in Care Homes and wishes to encourage its members to read the booklet, view the website and make the John’s Campaign pledge and join the 1500+ hospital and homes who have already made the pledge.

For further information please visit:

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