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NACC members gather to celebrate the NACC Awards 2023

Published: 9th October 2023

The prestigious awards shine a spotlight on the many outstanding contributions to care catering over the past 12 months. An abundance of innovation, excellence and dedication was demonstrated by the winning teams and individuals, together with resilience, agility and care, in what has continued to be a challenging period for the care catering sector.

The NACC Awards 2023 gala awards dinner was held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham.
Sue Cawthray, National Chair of the NACC, said: “What a tremendous evening! A very big congratulations to all the 2023 award winners. It is always a real privilege to recognise the extraordinary contributions so many have made to care catering, especially throughout such hard times. I was proud to present our worthy winners with their awards in person.

“The NACC Awards is an opportunity to honour our winners, and this evening was a real celebration of the care catering sector. The shortlists continue to inspire me, and the judges, and we can all agree that this year’s finalists and winners are a true reflection of everyone in our sector who has and continues to work so tirelessly, selflessly and innovatively even though they have seen us through the pandemic only to face the current cost of living crisis, amid the growing recruitment issues. All the winners are superb Ambassadors of what is such a rewarding sector. ”

The 2023 NACC Award winners are:
  • NACC Care Establishment of the Year Award, sponsored by allmanhall: West Eaton
  • Meals on Wheels Award, sponsored by apetito:
    • Meal Makers, Food Train
    • Molesey Centre for the Community
    • Health & Independent Living Support
    • MyChef Meals on wheels
This year the judges found something remarkable and unique with each nomination and found it very difficult to identify on an individual basis who should be the winner. Based on evidence within each entry, each entrant gave something over and above whilst providing a meal to all their customers and therefore the overall decision from all the judges was that all four entrants should be winners and be given the same accolade of winner of the Meals on Wheels award 2023 in total recognition for the exemplary meals on wheels service they all provide.
  • NACC Catering Team of the Year Award, sponsored by Major International: Hotel Services Team, FSHC Group
  • NACC Catering Manager of the Year Award, sponsored by Unilever Food Solutions: Stuart Middleton, Renaissance Care
  • NACC Our Care Catering Hero Award, sponsored by Bidfood: Julie Setterfield, Elmbridge Borough Council
  • The Bev Puxley Award, sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Cooks: Valerie Kelly, Houndswood House
  • NACC Region of the Year Award, sponsored by Meiko: South East Region
  • Pam Rhodes Outstanding Achievement Award, sponsored by Winterhalter: Alison Smith,
    Prescribing Support Consultant Dietitian
  • NACC National Chair’s Award: Mark Taylor

For more information about the NACC and the NACC Awards 2023 visit

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